- Sherlock Holmes -
“There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact.”

Journal Publications (49)

Conference (19) & Invited Talks (13)
Papers with students
S. Satyal, B. Quarles, and M. Rosario-Franco. Moon-packing around an Earth-mass Planet. MNRAS August 2022 NASA ADS
M. Clement, E. Quintana, and B. Quarles. Habitable Planet Formation around Low-mass Stars: Rapid Accretion, Rapid Debris Removal, and the Essential Contribution of External Giants. ApJ March 2022 NASA ADS
D. Kipping, S. Bryson, C. Burke, J. Christiansen, et al. including B. Quarles. An exomoon survey of 70 cool giant exoplanets and the new candidate Kepler-1708 b-i. Nature Astronomy January 2022 NASA ADS
B. Quarles, G. Li, and J.J. Lissauer. Milankovitch cycles for a circumstellar Earth-analogue within α Centauri-like binaries. MNRAS January 2022 NASA ADS
V. Kostov, B. Powell, J. Orosz, W. Welsh, et al. including B. Quarles. TIC 172900988: A Transiting Circumbinary Planet Detected in One Sector of TESS Data. AJ. December 2021 NASA ADS
O. Jagtap, B. Quarles, and M. Cuntz. Updated studies on exomoons in the HD 23079 system. PASA November 2021 NASA ADS
S. Kreyche, J.W. Barnes, B. Quarles, and J.E. Chambers. Exploring Tidal Obliquity Variations with SMERCURY-T. Planetary Science Journal October 2021 NASA ADS GitHub
B. Quarles, S. Eggl, M. Rosario-Franco, and G. Li. Exomoons in Systems with a Strong Perturber: Applications to α Cen AB. AJ August 2021 NASA ADS GitHub
J. Dong, C. Huang, R. Dawson, D. Foreman-Mackey, et al. including B. Quarles. Warm Jupiters in TESS Full-Frame Images: A Catalog and Observed Eccentricity Distribution for Year 1. ApJS. July 2021 NASA ADS
B. Quarles, G. Li, and M. Rosario-Franco. Validation of Exomoon Candidates Using Orbital Stability and Tidal Migration. Winter AAS Meeting, Jan 2021.
B. Quarles, G. Li, and J.J Lissauer. Milankovitch Cycles for Earth-analogs in Binary Star Systems. Astrobiology Science Conference, May 2022.
B. Quarles, G. Li, and J.J Lissauer. Milankovitch Cycles for Potential Earth-analogs in Alpha Cen AB. Georgia Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting, March 2022.
S. K. Yadavalli, B. Quarles, G. Li, and N. Haghighipour. Effects of Flux Variation on the Surface Temperatures of Earth-like Circumbinary Planets. MNRAS November 2020
B. Quarles, G. Li, and M. Rosario-Franco. Application of Orbital Stability and Tidal Migration Constraints for Exomoon Candidates. ApJL October 2020 GitHub
V. Kostov, W. Welsh, N. Haghighipour, B. Quarles, et al. Multiple Transits during a Single Conjunction: Identifying Transiting Circumbinary Planetary Candidates from TESS. AJ September 2020
R. Martin, J. J. Lissauer, and B. Quarles. Evolution of α Centauri B's protoplanetary disc. MNRAS. June 2020
M. Rosario-Franco, B. Quarles, M. Cuntz, and Z. Musielak. Orbital Stability of Exomoons and Submoons with Applications to Kepler 1625b-I. AJ. June 2020
V. Kostov, J. Orosz, A. Feinstein, W. Welsh, et al. including B. Quarles. TOI-1338: TESS’ First Transiting Circumbinary Planet. AJ. June 2020 NASA ADS
S. Kreyche, J. Barnes, B. Quarles, J. J. Lissauer, J. Chambers, and M. Hedman. Orbital eccentricity influences the obliquity stability of retrograde-rotating planets. Planetary Science Journal. June 2020
B. Quarles, G. Li, V. Kostov, and N. Haghighipour. Orbital Stability of Circumstellar Planets in Binary Systems. AJ. March 2020 NASA ADS GitHub
Q. Socia, W. Welsh, J. Orosz, W. D. Cochran, et al. including B. Quarles. KOI-3152 b: A Kepler Transiting Circumbinary Planet in a Grazing Eclipsing Binary. AJ. March 2020 NASA ADS
C. Beichman, M. Ygouf, J. Sayson, Y. Yung, et al. including B. Quarles. Searching for Planets Orbiting Alpha Cen A with the James Webb Space Telescope. PASP. January 2020 NASA ADS
B. Quarles, J. W. Barnes, J. J. Lissauer, and J. Chambers. Obliquity Evolution of the Potentially Habitable Exoplanet Kepler-62F. Astrobiology. January 2020 NASA ADS
B. Quarles, G. Li, V. Kostov, and N. Haghighipour. Orbital Stability of Circumstellar Earth-like planets in Binary Systems. DDA Meeting, August 2020.
B. Quarles. Obliquity Variations of Terrestrial Planets in α Centauri. Chesapeake Bay Exoplanet (CHEXO) Meeting, January 2020.
B. Quarles. Dangers for Earthlike Planets in Binary Systems Carnegie Institution for Science DTM Colloquium, January 2020.
B. Quarles, G. Li, and J. J. Lissauer. Obliquity Evolution of Circumstellar Planets in Sun-like Stellar Binaries. ApJ. November 2019 NASA ADS TheScienceBreaker
Z. Hong, B. Quarles, G. Li, and J. Orosz. Could there be an undetected inner planet near the stability limit in Kepler-1647?. AJ. July 2019 NASA ADS
J. Orosz, W. Welsh, N. Haghighipour, B. Quarles, et al. Discovery of a Third Transiting Planet in the Kepler-47 Circumbinary System. ApJ, May 2019. NASA ADS
B. Quarles, and N. Kaib. Instabilities in the Early Solar System Due to a Self-gravitating Disk AJ February 2019 NASA ADS
S. Moorman, B. Quarles, Zh. Wang, and M. Cuntz. The Habitable Zone of Kepler-16: Impact of Binarity and Climate Models. Int. J. Astrobiol. February 2019 NASA ADS
B. Quarles, G. Li, and J.J. Lissauer. Obliquity Variations and Habitability in Alpha Centauri AB. Astrobiology Science Conference (AbSciCon), June 2019.
B. Quarles, G. Li, and J.J. Lissauer. Obliquity Evolution of Earthlike planets in α Centauri AB. DDA Meeting, June 2019.
B. Quarles. Potential for Exoplanetary Neighbors in Alpha Centauri. Texas Section of the American Physical Society March 2019. (Invited Talk)
B. Quarles, S. Satyal, V. Kostov, N. Kaib, and N. Haghighipour. Stability Limits of Circumbinary Planets: Is There a Pile-up in the Kepler CBPs? ApJ April 2018
B. Quarles, and J. J. Lissauer,. Long-Term Stability of Tightly Packed Multi-Planet Systems in Prograde, Coplanar, Circumstellar Orbits within the Alpha Centauri AB System. AJ. February 2018 NASA ADS
B. Quarles, J. J. Lissauer, and N. Kaib. Long-term Stability of planets in the Alpha Centauri System, II: Forced Eccentricities. AJ. February 2018 NASA ADS
B. Quarles, J. Barnes, J. J. Lissauer, and J. E. Chambers. Obliquity Variations of a Potentially Habitable Kepler-62f. DPS Meeting, October 2018.
B. Quarles. Extrasolar Planets with 2 Suns: Paradise Lost? Tulsa City-County Library Idea Box Series April 2018. (Invited Talk)
B. Quarles, S. Satyal, V. Kostov, N. Kaib, and N. Haghighipour. Dynamics of Circumbinary Planets Near the Stability Limit. DDA Meeting, April 2018.
B. Quarles. Living on the Edge: Stability Limits of Circumbinary Planets. Georgia Tech CRA Seminar, March 2018. (Invited Talk)
B. Quarles. Exoplanets in Binary Star Systems: Friends or foes?. Louisiana School for Math, Science, and the Arts, January 2018. (Invited Talk)
B. Quarles, J. J. Lissauer, and N. Kaib. Maximizing planet packing in the alpha Centauri AB system. DDA Meeting, June 2017.
B. Quarles. Archimedes and the Giant Planet Instability. Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Bordeaux Guest Colloquium, June 2017. (Invited Talk)
B. Quarles, and N. Kaib. Dynamics of the Giant Planets due to a Fully Self-gravitating Planetesimal Disk. Winter AAS Meeting, Jan 2017.
J. Barnes, B. Quarles, J. J. Lissauer, J. E. Chambers, and M. Hedman. Obliquity Variations of an Early Venus. Astrobiology, July 2016. NASA ADS
V. Kostov, W. F. Welsh, J. A. Orosz, L. R. Doyle, et al. including B. Quarles. KOI-2939b: the largest and longest-period Kepler transiting circumbinary planet ApJ, August 2016. NASA ADS
B. Quarles and J. J. Lissauer. Long Term Stability of planets in the alpha Centauri system. AJ, May 2016. NASA ADS
J. Coughlin, F. Mullally, S. Thompson, J. F. Rowe, et al. including B. Quarles. Planetary Candidates Observed By Kepler: VII. The First Fully Automated Catalog Based on the Entire 48 Month Kepler Dataset (Q1-Q17 DR24). ApJS, May 2016. NASA ADS
B. Kirk, K. Conroy, A. Prša, M. Abdul-Masih, et al. including B. Quarles. Kepler Eclipsing Binary Stars. VII. The Catalog of Eclipsing Binaries Found in the Entire Kepler Data-Set. AJ, March 2016. NASA ADS
B. Quarles, and J. J. Lissauer. Mapping alpha Centauri AB for Possible Habitable Planets Summer AAS Meeting June 2016.
B. Quarles, J. W. Barnes, J. J. Lissauer, J. E. Chambers, and M. M. Hedman. Obliquity Variations of a Rapidly Rotating Venus. DDA Meeting, May 2015.
B. Quarles. An Extremely Cold Case: Formation of the Earth’s Moon. University of Oklahoma Department of Physics & Astronomy Guest Colloquium, Oct 2015.
(Invited Talk) -
B. Quarles, and J. J. Lissauer. Dynamical Evolution of planets in alpha Centauri AB. DDA Meeting, May 2015.
B. Quarles. Vacations on an Earthlike planet: Just add water?. UC-Berkeley Center for Integrative Planetary Science Colloquium, Apr 2015. (Invited Talk)
B. Quarles. Early Solar System Evolution and Consequences for Habitability. Baylor-CASPER Seminar Series, Mar 2015. (Invited Talk)
B. Quarles. Early Solar System Evolution and Consequences for Habitability. Texas Christian University Seminar Series, Mar 2015. (Invited)
B. Quarles, and J. J. Lissauer. Theia’s date with destiny: possible conditions leading to a Giant Impact. SETI Institute Seminar Series, January 2015. (Invited Talk)
YouTube video
W. F. Welsh, J. A. Orosz, D. R. Short, N. Haghighipour, et al. including B. Quarles. KIC 9632895 - The 10th Kepler Transiting Circumbinary Planet. ApJ, August 2015.
F. Mullally, J. L. Coughlin, S. E Thompson, J. Rowe, et al. including B. Quarles. Planetary Candidates Observed by Kepler VI: Planet Sample from Q1-16 (46 Months). ApJS,
Apr 2015. NASA ADS -
J. F., Rowe, J. L. Coughlin, V. Antoci, T. Barclay, et al. including B. Quarles. Planetary Candidates Observed by Kepler. V. The Q1-Q12 Planet Candidate Catalogue. ApJS, March 2015. NASA ADS
B. Quarles and J. J. Lissauer Dynamical Evolution of the Earth-Moon Progenitors – Whence Theia?. Icarus, March 2015. NASA ADS
K. E. Conroy, A. Prša, K. G. Stassun, S. Bloemen, et al. including B. Quarles. Kepler Eclipsing Binary Stars. V. Identification of 31 Eclipsing Binaries in the K2 Engineering Data-set. PASP, October 2014. NASA ADS
S. Satyal, T. C. Hinse, B. Quarles, and J. P. Noyola. Chaotic dynamics of the planet in HD 196885 AB. MNRAS, September 2014. NASA ADS
Z. E. Musielak and B. Quarles. The three-body problem. Reports on Progress in Physics, June 2014. NASA ADS
E. V. Quintana, T. Barclay, S. N. Raymond, J. F. Rowe, et al. including B. Quarles. An Earth-Sized Planet in the Habitable Zone of a Cool Star. Science, April 2014. NASA ADS
B. Quarles, J. Barnes, J. J. Lissauer, and J. E. Chambers. Obliquity Evolution of an Early Venus. DPS Meeting, November 2014.
B. Quarles and J. J. Lissauer. Dynamical Evolution of the Earth-Moon Progenitors. IAU/Complex Planetary Systems Symposium, July 2014.
B. Quarles and J. J. Lissauer. Theia’s Provenance: Regional Source of Earth’s Late Impactor. DDA Meeting, May 2014.
B. Quarles. Theia’s Provenance: Regional Source of Earth’s Late Impactor, January 2014. University of Texas at Arlington Department of Physics Colloquium (Invited Talk).
S. Satyal, B. Quarles, and T. C. Hinse. Application of chaos indicators in the study of dynamics of S-type extrasolar planets in stellar binaries. MNRAS, August 2013 NASA ADS
M. Cuntz, B. Quarles, J. Eberle, and A. Shukayr. On the Possibility of Habitable Moons in the System of HD 23079: Results from Orbital Stability Studies. PASA,
May 2013. NASA ADS
B. Quarles, Z. E. Musielak, and M. Cuntz. Study of resonances for the restricted 3-body problem. Astronomische Nachrichten, August 2012. NASA ADS
B. Quarles, Z. E. Musielak, and M. Cuntz. Habitability of Earth-mass Planets and Moons in the Kepler-16 System. ApJ, May 2012. NASA ADS
B. Quarles, M. Cuntz, and Z. E. Musielak. The stability of the suggested planet in the nu Octantis system: a numerical and statistical study. MNRAS, April 2012. NASA ADS
B. Quarles, Z. E. Musielak, and M. Cuntz. On The Existence Of Earth-like Planets In The Circumbinary SystemKepler-16. Winter AAS Meeting, January 2012.
J. Eberle, M. Cuntz, B. Quarles, and Z. E. Musielak. Case studies of habitable Trojan planets in the system of HD 23079. Int. J. Astrobiol., October 2011. NASA ADS
B. Quarles, J. Eberle, Z. E. Musielak, and M. Cuntz The instability transition for the restricted 3-body problem. A&A September 2011. NASA ADS
B. Quarles. Chaos in Extrasolar Planets, February 2011. Texas Christian University Department of Physics & Astronomy Colloquium (Invited Talk).