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I became interested in science from an early age and grew to appreciate astronomy greatly throughout my childhood.  My interest in planets evolved from watching science fiction dramas like Star Trek: TNG and Contact due to their exploratory nature of alien worlds.

As a graduate student, I discovered that it was possible to have a career exploring alien worlds, no starship required.  From there, I became interested in the dynamics of planetary orbits and the possible origins of planets.

Today, I am an Assistant Professor at Valdosta State University in the Department of Physics, Astronomy, Geosciences, and Engineering Technology (PAGET).   In my research, I use numerical methods to explore the dynamical nature of planetary systems that orbit single stars like TRAPPIST-1 and those that have more than one stellar host like the Kepler circumbinary planets or the potential for planets orbiting Alpha Centauri AB.



Exoplanets in Binary Star Systems

  • Alpha Centauri AB

  • Proxima Centauri

  • Kepler Circumbinary planets

  • RV Circumprimary planets

2002 - 2006

Texas Christian University

    -- B.S. Physics & Astronomy

Solar System Dynamics

  • Terrestrial planet formation (from embryos)

  • Formation of the Moon

  • Bombardment

  • Orbital evolution of the giant planets

  • Nice model

  • Kuiper Belt

Exoplanet Discovery and Characterization

  • Kepler Object of Interest (KOI) catalogs

  • Warm, Large Exoplanets (WaLEs)

Obliquity (Axial Tilt) Evolution

  • Solar System planets and analogs

  • Kepler-62e & 62f

  • Kepler-186f

2006 - 2008

Stephen F. Austin State University

  -- M.S. Physics

2008 - 2012

University of Texas -- Arlington

   -- Ph.D. Physics

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